[Translate to english]
Last changed24.07.2003 02:27
I'm going to translate the Script Document from German to English, and if someone is good at both languages, and feels like helping, even if it's for 1 page of tekst, then i'll be glad to give him some work!

Where we are working on:

X Standard documents. (disclaimer, basic scripting tips)
+ Tutorial ( Tutorial, advanced Scripting tips)
- expert pages ( the hard coding stuff )
- Script defenitions

X = distributed, and working on it
+ = Some distributed but not all (need help!)
- = Not working on yet.

Conclusion, we need help!!
[email protected] <-- if ur up to it!
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Showing 1-10 comments out of 19

02.08.2004 23:00 from Clonkwowdamaged  
Yeah freu mich schon auf spannende Melees!
Wir sicher cool mit neuen Waffen und so!
+ Vote

28.10.2003 20:37 from ClonkScorpion  
ja script ist immer gut

01.10.2003 20:28 from ClonkMampfiChrisi  
ok cuz you didn't answer my email i write it as a comment: you can send me some stuff to translate and i'll do it (I've got too much time^^)

[email protected]

16.09.2003 20:01 from LieutenantMarky  
I offer my help, too. Just send me anything you want me to translate. But only about 5 documents at first, please.

[email protected]
Last change: 16.09.2003 20:03

12.08.2003 01:29 from ClonkRiker  
comming up newton

09.08.2003 20:23 from ClonkNewton  
Er, riker? Still alive?

03.08.2003 21:49 from ClonkNewton  
I'd help a bit, just send me some documents, but plz as Günther said:
>For the Scriptfunctions, i would rather translate the source xml files.

02.08.2003 17:09 from ClonkBenny  
Ach, sagt doch was ihr wollt.

01.08.2003 11:13 from Clonktheevildevil  
Einbildung ist auch ne Bildung.

31.07.2003 22:22 from ClonkBenny  
Ich glaube ich bin gut und das bleibt auch so!